Collection of self-contained header-only libraries for C++17

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stre (aka STRing Expansions) module contains efficient implementations of most commonly used string utility-functions.


// Trimming
template <class T> std::string trim_left( T&& str, char trimmed_char = ' ');
template <class T> std::string trim_right(T&& str, char trimmed_char = ' ');
template <class T> std::string trim(      T&& str, char trimmed_char = ' ');

// Padding
std::string pad_left( std::string_view str, std::size_t length, char padding_char = ' ');
std::string pad_right(std::string_view str, std::size_t length, char padding_char = ' ');
std::string pad(      std::string_view str, std::size_t length, char padding_char = ' ');

std::string pad_with_leading_zeroes(unsigned int number, std::size_t length = 10);

// Case conversions
template <class T> std::string to_lower(T&& str);
template <class T> std::string to_upper(T&& str);

// Substring checks
bool starts_with(std::string_view str, std::string_view substr);
bool ends_with(  std::string_view str, std::string_view substr);
bool contains(   std::string_view str, std::string_view substr);

// Token manipulation
template<class T> std::string replace_all_occurences(T&& str, std::string_view from, std::string_view to);

std::vector<std::string> split_by_delimiter(std::string_view str, std::string_view delimiter, bool keep_empty_tokens = false);

// Other utils
std::string repeat_char(              char  ch, size_t repeats);
std::string repeat_string(std::string_view str, size_t repeats);

std::string escape_control_chars(std::string_view str);

std::size_t index_of_difference(std::string_view str_1, std::string_view str_2);

[!Note] Functions that can utilize mutable input string for a more efficient implementation are declared with template <class T> and use perfect forwarding. This means whenever rvalue arguments are provided they automatically get reused, while lvalues are copied.



template <class T> std::string trim_left( T&& str, char trimmed_char = ' ');
template <class T> std::string trim_right(T&& str, char trimmed_char = ' ');
template <class T> std::string trim(      T&& str, char trimmed_char = ' ');

Trims characters equal to trimmed_char from the left / right / both sides of the string str.


std::string pad_left( std::string_view str, std::size_t length, char padding_char = ' ');
std::string pad_right(std::string_view str, std::size_t length, char padding_char = ' ');
std::string pad(      std::string_view str, std::size_t length, char padding_char = ' ');

Pads string str with characters padding_char from left / right / both sides until it reaches size lenght.

Note: If str.size >= lenght the string is left unchanged.

std::string pad_with_leading_zeroes(unsigned int number, std::size_t length = 10);

Pads given integer with leading zeroes until its length reaches length. Useful for numbering files/data entries so they can be lexicographically sorted.

Note: If number has more than length digits, resulting string is the same as std::to_string(number).

Case conversions

template <class T> std::string to_lower(T&& str);

Replaces all uppercase letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ in the string str with corresponding lowercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.

template <class T> std::string to_upper(T&& str);

Replaces all lowercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in the string str with corresponding uppercase letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

Substring checks

bool starts_with(std::string_view str, std::string_view substr);
bool ends_with(  std::string_view str, std::string_view substr);
bool contains(   std::string_view str, std::string_view substr);

Returns true if string str starts with / ends with / contains the substring substr.

Token manipulation

template<class T> std::string replace_all_occurences(T&& str, std::string_view from, std::string_view to);

Scans through the string str and replaces all occurrences of substring from with a string to.

std::vector<std::string> split_by_delimiter(std::string_view str, std::string_view delimiter, bool keep_empty_tokens = false);

Splits string str into a vector of std::string tokens based on delimeter.

By default keep_empty_tokens is false and "" is not considered to be a valid token — in case of leading / trailing / repeated delimiters, only non-empty tokens are going to be inserted into the resulting vector. Setting keep_empty_tokens to true overrides this behavior and keeps all the empty tokens intact.

Other utils

std::string repeat_char(              char  ch, size_t repeats);
std::string repeat_string(std::string_view str, size_t repeats);

Repeats given character or string a given number of times and returns as a string.

std::string escape_control_chars(std::string_view str);

Escapes all control & non-printable characters in the string str using standard C++ notation (see corresponding example for a better idea).

Useful when printing strings to the terminal during logging & debugging.

std::size_t index_of_difference(std::string_view str_1, std::string_view str_2);

Returns the index of the first character that is different between string str_1 and str_2.

When both strings are the same, returns str_1.size().

Throws std::logical_error if str_1.size() != str_2.size().


Trimming strings

[ Run this code ]

using namespace utl;

assert(stre::trim_left( "   lorem ipsum   ") ==    "lorem ipsum   ");
assert(stre::trim_right("   lorem ipsum   ") == "   lorem ipsum"   );
assert(stre::trim(      "   lorem ipsum   ") ==    "lorem ipsum"   );

assert(stre::trim("__ASSERT_MACRO__", '_') == "ASSERT_MACRO");

Padding strings

[ Run this code ]

using namespace utl;

assert(stre::pad_left( "value", 9) == "    value");
assert(stre::pad_right("value", 9) == "value    ");
assert(stre::pad(      "value", 9) == "  value  ");

assert(stre::pad(" label ", 15, '-') == "---- label ----");

assert(stre::pad_with_leading_zeroes(17) == "0000000017");

Converting string case

[ Run this code ]

using namespace utl;

assert(stre::to_lower("Lorem Ipsum") == "lorem ipsum");
assert(stre::to_upper("lorem ipsum") == "LOREM IPSUM");

Using substring checks

[ Run this code ]

using namespace utl;

assert(stre::starts_with("lorem ipsum", "lorem"));
assert(stre::ends_with(  "lorem ipsum", "ipsum"));
assert(stre::contains(   "lorem ipsum", "em ip"));

Performing token manupulations

[ Run this code ]

using namespace utl;

// Replacting tokens
assert(stre::replace_all_occurences("xxxAAxxxAAxxx",  "AA",  "BBB") == "xxxBBBxxxBBBxxx" );

// Splitting by delimer
auto tokens = stre::split_by_delimiter("aaa,bbb,ccc,", ",");
assert(tokens.size() == 3);
assert(tokens[0] == "aaa");
assert(tokens[1] == "bbb");
assert(tokens[2] == "ccc");

// Splitting by complex delimer while keeping the empty tokens
tokens = stre::split_by_delimiter("(---)lorem(---)ipsum", "(---)", true);
assert(tokens.size() == 3);
assert(tokens[0] == "");
assert(tokens[1] == "lorem");
assert(tokens[2] == "ipsum");

Using other utilities

[ Run this code ]

using namespace utl;

// Repeating chars/strings
assert(stre::repeat_char(    'h', 7) == "hhhhhhh"        );
assert(stre::repeat_string("xo-", 5) == "xo-xo-xo-xo-xo-");

// Escaping control chars in a string   
const std::string text = "this text\r will get messed up due to\r carriage returns.";
    << "Original string prints like this:\n" <<                            text  << "\n\n"
    << "Escaped  string prints like this:\n" << stre::escape_control_chars(text) << "\n\n";

// Getting index of difference
assert(stre::index_of_difference("xxxAxx", "xxxxxx") == 3);


Original string prints like this:
 carriage returns.p due to

Escaped  string prints like this:
this text\r will get messed up due to\r carriage returns.